The Orthodox Synagogue is a Jewish place of worship, on Castelului Street no. 64. It was built in 1924, in Moorish style.
Culture and education made their way into the lives of the Brașov locals from the earliest times. It is enough to mention the first Romanian school, in Schei, established in 1399, with its own private teachers (Tempea family, Diaconu Coresi, Dimitrie Eustatievici etc.) and its own printing press. Works made here spread out in the entire Romanian space. At the same time, priests from Scheii Brașovului quarter paid money, sometimes huge amounts, for manuscripts and prints for the school and Saint Nicholas Church. Johannes Honterus, who lived in the citadel the 15th century, established a different school, a library and made a printing press. He edited numerous books, and his library achieved fame because of its incunabula colletction.
In Brașov several theatres and a Philarmonic have been established: The “Sica Alexandrescu” Drama Theatre, The Brașov Opera (initially The Musical Theatre, later The Lyrical Theatre), The “Gheorghe Dima” Philarmonic, “Arlechino” Puppet Theatre, “Reduta” Cultural Center. Also, there are a series of cultural organizations, most of them established after 1990. Worth mentioning are the Plastic Artists’ Union, the Musashino Cultural Association (Japan), the French Alliance, the German Cultural Center and The British Council.